Whoare we?

Having started operations in 2003, our guiding principle is that leaders are not those who do the most, but those who do it better.
We don'twaste time
Once we had fully understood the region's importance as part of the logistics chain, we created one of the most advanced logistics service centres in Lithuania. This centre also manages a fleet of private covered wagons and containers.

Our concern for our employees, their drive and their development, our understanding of eastern and western mentalities, our multilingualism, our experience and the service management processes created by our company guarantee our customers an excellent service.

We don't waste time. Contact us – we probably already have the solution you need.
1 000 000 That's how many tons of cargo we've transported every year since 2011.
100 Loyal clients
50 Partners in our primary operating regions
40 Countries we operate in

Excellence.Another guiding principle is that our specialists' knowledge must extend beyond their direct professional role. Their understanding of geopolitical and macro-economic situations allows them to leverage the right business insight at the right time for added efficiency.

Speed.We understand how important time is to our clients and strive - on our own or with our partners - to ensure that cargo transportation doesn't become cargo downtime.

Communication with our clients.While experience and the quality and intelligence of our solutions are vital, so is knowing how to listen to our clients, understand them and communicate effectively when it comes to reducing mistakes and increasing customer satisfaction. This is how we build loyalty.

Openness.We aren't afraid to give our clients the whole picture because we know that risk can be managed, that problems are merely opportunities and that developing client trust today means repeat business in the future.


We develop our competitive advantage by understanding macro-economic factors and are able to predict and implement the best logistical solutions.
But those solutions should ideally be known in advance. Because only experience can guarantee this, the development of our staff and creating the best working environment for them are critical.

Our  styleof doing business

  • A single suitably qualified professional will do more than a team of new workers;
  • Our extensive experience allows us to implement complex solutions requiring a "we can do" attitude which our competitors do not possess
  • Our drive means better and better service - not gimmicks.
  • We don't seek to keep clients at any price. Instead, we consistently deliver good results meaning that our clients actively choose to work with us.
  • Our work is precise and we deliver on time. But we understand that things can go wrong so we always assess risk and work out how to manage it.
  • We are always closer to our clients than our competitors are and always a step ahead of the rest.